Regenerative medicine is an all-natural, effective way to repair and renew damaged tissue within the body. Yet, certain regenerative cells are thought to be more efficient than others. While the cells used in some other forms of cellular therapy are already present in our bodies, as we age, they are much less plentiful and much more difficult to effectively obtain. As adults, these cells can be derived primarily from adipose tissue (fat cells) and bone marrow, but these procedures can be painful, and results may only be satisfactory. The most viable and potent form of regenerative cells are the ones that are derived from donated umbilical cord tissue.
Regenerative Cells Derived from Umbilical Tissue
What makes regenerative therapy using these types of cells so much more potent than other known methods? First, the regenerative cell in this instance is derived from the umbilical cord, making the regenerative properties in these young cells brand new and untainted. The cells used are rigorously tested and are very safely and ethically acquired from consenting mothers during a cesarean-section birth.

Properties of the regenerative cells include cytokines (small proteins necessary in cell signaling) and other effective growth factors. Also, regenerative cells are undifferentiated cells, meaning they have the potential to readily adapt in the body. Once injected into the area of injury/disease with an easy, minimally invasive procedure, your body’s own cellular signals employ the regenerative cells to the sites of need.
At that point, the cells can deploy those cytokines, growth factors, and other necessary components that help in the healing process. Because of the nature of the cell and how it works together with your own body, they are non-tumorigenic (will not cause or worsen tumors), immune-privileged (will not evoke a negative immune response), and have a very low chance of rejection.
Adipose Tissue
Adipose tissue stem cell therapy is conducted using the patient’s own fatty tissue. The tissue is extracted and then reintroduced back into the patient’s needed area of healing/pain. However, because of the aging of the patient’s own cells and the decrease of cells in our body as we age, they are not nearly as efficient as the umbilical tissue-derived cells, which are fresh and brand new. Also, because fat cells store many of the body’s toxins, adipose tissue regenerative cells could contain toxins that are then transferred to other parts of the body.
Bone Marrow
Bone marrow cellular therapy also involves stem cells that are taken from the patients themselves. Although the extraction process is even more invasive and requires painfully drilling into a patient’s femur or pelvis to harvest marrow and extract the cells. This opens up the possibility of infection and tacks on a lengthy healing period. Also similar to adipose stem cell therapy, the remaining cells yielded have aged along with the patient, which may not even provide the most successful results possible.
Regenerative cellular therapy involves only a minimally invasive needle and delivers the cells that are the richest in valuable regenerative properties. Call us today for your complimentary consultation (843) 285-6883.